Thursday, December 3, 2009

Return of the COUCH MONSTER!!!!

It's been being good for a while, but today it came out of hiding...the COUCH MONSTER.  There I was...innocently and quietly eating my breakfast, and then...KA BAM!  It gobbled up my breakfast:

I tried reaching my arm in to get it:

And tried using my mental powers to move it to me:

But what ended up working was me whining and looking sad.  Then mom came to my rescue:

Here's a picture of me actually working (yes, instead of sleeping!).  I'm letting one of mom's patients pet me so she feels better. 
Another day at work tomorrow.  Maybe mom will take me on a long walk for lunch again.  We've been working on my walking, which is okay with me cuz I get lots of treats along the way.


  1. Woo are such a good helper fur your mom!

    It was furry nice of her to help reskhue your breakfast!


  2. You look so sad that the couch monster took your breakfast!
    Its nice to see you working at work too! Though the pictures of you sleeping at work are very cute too!

  3. Ah yes, we find that our Mom comes in handy quite often too.

    Happy weekend, the OP Pack
