Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Last Day of School!!!

Last night was my last day at school (aka: puppy kindergarten).  I got to show off the new tricks I taught mom:
1. give me chicken when I shake your hand:

2. Give me chicken when I don't eat that stale biscuit in your other hand:

It took of couple days of hard practice at home, but she did me proud during the class!  Mom had so much fun, we're going back next month for some more classes.

Today, I spent all day at the play place (Biscuits).  I'm not sure how this happened, but.....

The people there are very cool and I always play a lot when I'm there.  When mom picked me up today, they gave her this package for me:

I couldn't wait to open it and, when I did, I was really surprised at all the goodies
(Kat not included!)

That was soooo cool!!!!  Wags and slobbers to all my buds at Biscuits!!!!


  1. Darn...khat WASN'T inkluded?

    What a handsome Santa pikh!


  2. Wow! What a great present! And what a GREAT holiday shot of you!!

  3. you look like a cute little elf!
    And what an awesome day care place! Darwin is jealous!

  4. You are a GRRRREAT teacher Remi! :) I taught my Mom the chicken trick too. ;) I can't believe how cute you look in your holiday gear! :) Looks like you got some good loot too...what a nice gift!


  5. I had to teach mom those tricks too! She was a little slow but eventually she got it! Did they offer you lots of chicken for that holiday outfit? I get a bunch just for modeling mom's knitting but there's not enough chicken in the world to put that much stuff on me! Maybe you need to teach her that trick too!?! Gave a fun Holiday!

