Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Ruffin' It !! Day 6 - You Want a Waiver for WHAT?!?!

We went for a nice walkie furrrst thing in the morning before leaving Grrrrreat Falls.
Okay mom, enuf posing....let's GO!  I smell wabbits!
Purty wild flowers....
Purty bridge....

We saw some beewootiful scenary driving out of Grrrreat Falls.

And we saw this giant sleeping:
Kinda looks like me during the driving part of our trip!!!

Then we finally got to our campsite just outside of Bozeman.
It looked so peaceful and relaxing.

Then dad showed me this little waiver he got from the camp host:
Holy smokes!!!!  What's up with all the bears around here?!?!
And not just ANY bears.....GRRRRRRRIZZLY BEARS!!!!
Double YIKES!!!!!

Stay tuned for Day 7 - Exploring Mom's Old Stompin' Grounds


  1. did you see Sarge's post today?? HE had a bear while camping.... he has a VIDEO of it!!! Loved the sleeping Giant. Ruby and Penny have one near where they live too.

  2. yikes...we only like smokey the bear. Be very careful. Sure is beautiful there
    Benny & Lily

  3. Looks like a really nice campground... but grizzly bears?! Yikes!
