Sunday, September 27, 2009

My fur-st 7 weeks

Since this is my very first blog, mom said I should say a little about myself and put in some pictures from my fur family.  So here goes...

My name is Remi, and I'm an 8-week-old boy Rhodesian Ridgeback.  That means my great, great, great grandparents were African lion hunters.  They were tough and furr-roucious.  They would track and hold lions at bay until their people showed up.  They also protected their human pack family and their animals. 

This is a picture of my dad, Rogueriver Chamba Rowdy Boy of Kandu:
I look a lot like my dad already.

 And my mom, Southridge Apache Red Kelly:

Awww, mom!  Did you have to put those pictures in?!  I can't even tell which one is me!  At least you didn't but the bath picture in. 

Oh Jeez!  How embarassing!

On September 3, Mom and Dad went down to decide who of us boys they wanted to bring into their pack.  And they picked me!!!  I was on my best behavior and gave them plenty of photo ops.  Mom said they did temperament testing and I did the best, but I was just playing and having fun.  I think I just won them over with my charm and good looks.  Who could resist that face (mine, that is)...

I did my best at posing.  This is my serious look:

And this is my confident look:

I was actually really trying to use my mental powers to get them to pick me.  You can see how hard I'm concentrating by all the wrinkles on my forehead.  All that work really tuckered me out and I fell asleep before they left.

I later found out they picked me and was sooo... happy!!!!  I thought I'd better spend some time with the other's in my fur and first human pack so they wouldn't miss me when I left in a couple weeks.

Ooops.  Mom says enough blogging for now.  Next time I'll tell you about my trip to my new home.  It was filled with all sorts of events...and every bodily function I could muster!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Remi, I know we haven't met yet but I am your half-sister, Nala!! My Mom is Kelly too! I am so excited your human pack chose excellent choice, by the way! You are one handsome boy. ;) I was near your place this weekend but Mom said it was too early for me to meet you so hurry up and get big so we can play! I love you already!!


    P.S. Can I do a post about you in a couple of days to introduce my new brother to the blogging world?? If so, can I also use one of your pictures to put on my blog so the readers can see how cute you are?
