Saturday, January 29, 2011

I-ncredibly B-eautiful D-oggie!!!

Yup.  That's me!
We got test results back and the internist doc said I have IBD.  I'm thinking, why...thank you!  I AM an Incredibly Beautiful Doggie!  ... or it could be Intelligently Brilliant Doggie!
Wait a minute...  It could also be Idiotic Butt-headed Dork.
So I Googled IBD and found Inflammatory Bowel Disease (mild-moderate).  YIKES!!

They found stuff that makes them think I'm sensitive to something I eat (which mom thinks is beef).  The internist doc wanted me on a high dose of prednisone and metronidazole until my poop started looking better, then decreasing.  The interist doc said her dog was on it for 6 months!  Mom does NOT want me on corticosteroids (especially off and on for the rest of my life!), so we are trying a more holistic route, including digestive enzymes (which have really helped my poop) and I started on some stuff for IBD last night.  Mom got it from a company called Animal Essentials.  We will also be seeing Darwin's holistic vet in a few weeks and she might do allergy testing and figure out a holistic homemade diet.

So, stay tuned for updates on how I'm doing on the non-medication stuff. 
Mom promises she'll blog more pictures soon!


  1. No to Prednisone (if you can avoid it)! That stuff made Darwin a eating/drinking/peeing/pooping machine! And she packed on the pounds.

    Sorry we missed you at Westcrest! We've become a one car family and Jason was taking the car. Hope you and Memphis had fun!

  2. Woo are spot on with your interpretation of I-B-D!

    Jamie the Terv I shared has had his 'pred' dose reduced - and yes, his mom thought he'd eat the entire bag of food AND a table leg -

    It really seems to be manageable especially since your pawrents will be furry akhtive!


  3. Sorry about the IBD diagnosis, but seems like you are on the right road. We'll keep paws crossed for you.

  4. Thanks for your funny caption ideas on my game - you certainly haven't lost your sense of humour - They're great!
    Paw bash and ridgie jump over Remi
    Love Zola

  5. Oh Remi...I love your sense of humor bro! You always make me laugh! I hope it goes well with the holistic vet...I don't blame your Mom at all! By the way...I CAN'T believe where they had cameras at your appt.!!! YIKES...hope your Mom doesn't post those pictures! ;) I will be in your area this weekend...if it's not too icky out maybe we can get together for a quick walk.

